Toni's Photo Album on the Blogisphere

Here you will find tidbits of my world as seen through my camera lens. I hope you enjoy browsing through these photos as much as I enjoyed creating them. Your comments are always welcome...I would love to hear from you!

And be sure to click on any photo to enlarge for viewing.



Gifts to our children for Christmas 2008. I took these photos, printed them on canvas paper, then mounted and framed them to give as Christmas presents.

Our daughter and son-in-law Kim and Jim

Kim and Jim's children, The 4 T's (L-R) Tiffany, Tanner, Tyson, Tabitha and their Golden Retriever Theo

Our son, Mike and grandson, Wyatt

Our son, Jeff and his girlfriend Paula

Brad, who is like a son, and his girlfriend Ericka


A Walk Through Velburg, Germany

On our visit to Europe, my husband Ron, and I "home-based" by invitation with my dear cousin Debi and her husband Garry in Velburg, Germany. We couldn't have asked for a more congenial host and hostess. What a quaint and pristine place it was, and the photo opps were amazing! Here are some highlights of our walks through this picturesque little village.

Here is a view of Velburg as we were driving through the countryside.

Poppy fields on the outskirts of Velburg

Firewood stacked against a house in Velburg

Main Street in "Downtown" Velburg

View of some backyards in Velburg